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时间:2022-10-10 04:00:52 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2666字






She left her gold bracelet as a pledge.───她留下她的金手镯作抵押品.

He would keep his pledge to the utmost of his power.───他将极力信守他的誓言.

Their goods were distrained in pledge for rent.───他们的财产被扣押下来作租金.

Empoldering oneself rear tugboat can pledge delivering cloth equilibrium, chain stitch beautiful, when it fast runs.───独自开发的后拖轮能保证高速运转时送布均衡 、 线迹美观.

The pledge has long since run out.───抵押早已期满.

I pledge for you.───我为你担保.

In the prison Padre Montanelli tempted Arthur to come over and pledge allegiance.───在监牢里,蒙太尼里诱劝亚瑟改变立场并立下结盟誓言.

I leave behind e as a pledge this pin, worth ten times the amount.───我留下这只十倍于房钱饭钱的夹针作抵押品.


You must not pledge your own health.

I gave him my pledge that I would vote for him.

The government should fulfil its pledge.

Parents make a pledge to take their children to rehearsals.

I give you this ring as a pledge of my everlasting love for you.