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时间:2022-10-10 08:00:35 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2546字


Per capita net income of rural residents


纯收入───net income;农村───countryside


Adjusted net income in the latest quarter totaled 24 cents a share.───上季度调整后的净利润为每股24美分。

First - quarter net income decreased to $ 940 million, or $ 607 a share.───第一季度净收入共9.4亿美元, 即每股607美元.

Total net income more than doubled from the prior year.───总体净利润比去年同期增长一倍以上.

Net income: The remainder after all expenses have been deducted from revenues.───净利润: 收入减去费用后的剩余.

Net income , the net income per share for the period , was five dollars sixty - five .───去年我行净利, 即每股净收益为 5.65 美元.

For the prior year, they reported net income of $1.1 million.───他们公布上一年度纯收入为110万美元。

If they go up, you add the number to Net Income.───如果它们上升,就应该往净利润上添加相应的数额。

Their wages are therefore counted in the farmers'net income category.───这表示到辛集打工的周边村镇的工人实际意义上仍是农民.
