Giant shark
巨兽鲨───Giant shark
Small Redstone to swim to go deep inside and found — in front of a giant shark.───小红石向深海里游去,发现前面有个庞然大物- - -鲨鱼。
That's right, they actually needed a movie about a giant, man-eating, shark to top Audie Murphy's awesomeness.───没错,他们得用一部讲述巨型吃人鲨鱼的电影才能盖过莫非无敌的冲天牛气。
There's really nothing else to say about this - a giant shark eats them, and it's awesome.───关于这个没啥要说的,就是大鲨鱼吃人么,很棒吧。
It was not often that a giant shark was caught in these parts and soon, more people came as word went up and down the beach.───这种大鲨在这附近很少捕到,大家奔走相告,来沙滩看热闹的人也越来越多。
Above, actors Richard Dreyfuss and Robert Shaw act with the mechanical giant shark dubbed "Bruce" in a scene from Jaws.───上图是《大白鲨》中的一幕场景,演员理查德•德莱弗斯和罗伯特•肖与名为“布鲁斯”的巨型机器鲨共同出演。
Shark Tent Unique camping tent was designed to look like a giant shark.───鲨鱼型帐篷设计独特的鲨鱼型帐篷,看起来像不像一个庞然大物?[链接]
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