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时间:2022-10-10 12:00:26 作者:趣历史 字数:2982字


India rupee




We'd buy anything we wanted without a single rupee.───‘我们可以不用一分钱就能买所要的东西 ’

This fall was mainly due market appreciation of rupee, credit and rising inputs prices, he added.───这次下跌主要是由于卢比汇率升值引起的, 信贷和原料成本价格上涨导致的.

The rupee has fallen by almost 10 % against the dollar since late last year.───自去年年末,卢布兑美元跌了近10%.

Indonesian rupee: can it be newborn from the crisis?───印尼卢比: 危机中能否新生?

The jump in the rupee reflects an abrupt change in policy by the RBI.───卢比汇率的急升反映了印度储备银行RBI货币政策的突然改变.

A rare bright spot for the companies is the rupee.───对印度科技型企业来说,难得一见的亮点是卢比汇率的不断走低.

Lot 1814 should be Silver Rupee, Vertical Rosette with Collar, Szechuen Province , 1903.───第1814号拍品应为光绪像四川卢比直花有领银币.

India has devalued the rupee by about eleven percent.───印度已经使卢比贬值约11%。


The name derives from the Indian monetary unit rupee.

India has devalued the Rupee by about eleven per cent.

Single rupee sachets comprise about 70 per cent of the company's shampoo sales.

We'd buy anything we wanted without a single rupee.

From this they went oil to the rupee, which they discussed for a full ten minutes.