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时间:2022-10-10 12:03:12 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3446字


What is this new machine for


新机器───New machines;这───this


I made the then heretical suggestion that it might be cheaper to design new machines.───我提出了当时被当做旁门左道的建议,说设计新机器或许更省钱。

Americans flocked to these fairs to admire the new machines and thus to renew their faith in the beneficence of technological advance.───美国人蜂拥而至,到这些博览会去欣赏这些新机器,从而重新燃起了他们对技术进步有益的信念。

The availability of steam power and the demands for new machines facilitated the transformation of the iron industry.───蒸汽动力的实用性和对新机器的需求促进了钢铁工业的转型。

Performance always seems to be a moving target as new machines are introduced, faster processors appear, and usage increases.───性能好像是一个移动的目标,因为会引入新的机器、会出现更快的处理器,并且使用量不断增加。

In the CASE of new machines, total depreciation is usually relatively small, tending to minimize the error in estimating depreciation.───对于新的机器,总的陈旧贬值往往比旧的相对小,使得估算贬值的差错也减到最小。

However, this new machines indicate that what the company produced in the past few years was nothing but cooking oil made from gutter oil.───然而,这台新的机器表明,过去这几年,这间公司没有生产别的,就是生产用地沟油制成的食用油。


Pauline is always busy breeding new machines so that the ecology of the circus keeps evolving.

Ample labour supplies permitted the operation of new machines without the need for product wages to rise as fast as productivity.

The launch of their new machines in this factory received much media coverage.

The new machines may sit idle for months until they have been paid for.

But people like seeing new machines and gadgets.