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时间:2022-10-10 20:00:17 作者:学习啦 字数:2993字


The jet lag is an hour


时差───time difference;慢───slow


Overprint control system impulse time difference can be converted to the drive motor with speed.───套印把持编制可不兵脉冲爆发工夫不差变换为驱不静电不静机的不停数.

Mark: 15 hours time difference, how do these athletes deal with that?───马克: 15个小时的时差, 不知道那些运动员们怎样应付过来的.

Compute the time difference.───计算时间差。

Are you adjusted to the time difference?───您的时差调整过来了 吗 ?

I forgot about the time difference.───我都忘了时差的问题了.

Because the time difference because you have to look at the Olympic Games Aoye.───因为时差的缘故.你要熬夜看奥运会.

Due to time difference with night - shift rotation is required for this position.───身体健康,适应较强的工作压力和超时工作;由于时差问题,该职位需要轮班工作.

In this paper a gas ultrasonic flowmeter with transit - time difference measurement has been designed.───本文研制时差法气体超声波流量计,包括流量计硬件电子线路和软件设计.


Time difference also makes me feel weak.

There's a five-hour time difference between London and New York.

What's the time difference between Beijing and Los Angeles?

She'd forgotten the time difference.

Because of the six-hour time difference between Washington and Hawaii, Barr received the call at 6 a. m. at his home.