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时间:2022-10-10 20:02:25 作者:星火作文 字数:3046字






They said adults should not take more than 650 milligram milligrams a time.───他们称成年人一次不能摄入超过650毫克的扑热息痛.

By comparison, a cup of milligram Starbucks brewed coffee contains 330 milligrams in 473 milliliters.───通过对比, 一杯473毫升煮好的星巴克咖啡,咖啡因含量为330毫克.

One milligram of ricin can kill an adult.───一毫克蓖麻毒可使一个成年人死亡.

Zemel says that when calcium levels are low, the body releases a hormone that helps squeeze the most out of every available milligram of the mineral.───泽莫尔博士说,当人体中的钙含量偏低时, 身体里就会产生一种荷尔蒙,它能帮助肌体最大限度地吸收所摄入的钙.

Soon after, the first off - world teleportation moved a milligram of iron to Mars.───很快, 第一次将一毫克的铁传送到了远离地球的火星。

Portfolio showcase site for milligram architectural studio, founded in Japan in 1998.───证券组合毫克建筑工作室成立于1998年在日本,展示现场。

RESULTS: The drugs and charred drugs per milligram contain a constant number of microscopic characteristic particles.───结果: 一定重量的单味药材和炮制品的显微特征微粒数为一常数.

A new hair-growing drug is being sold for three times the price, per milligram, as the drug's maker charges for another product with the same active ingredient.───一种新的毛发生长药物每毫克的售价是该价格的三倍,就如该药物的制造商对另一种含有同样活性成分的产品的售价一样。
