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时间:2022-10-11 00:01:51 作者:语文迷 字数:2754字


Press on


压贴───Press on


Well, let's press on.───好了,让我们继续努力。

Mini - Mani - Includes 2 sets of nails , stone art press - on tabs.───包括2套指甲, 石头艺术.

Unable to tell whether someone really objects to behavioral ads or whether they are sticking with Microsoft's default, some may ignore a DNT signal and press on anyway.───无法分辨一些用户是真的反对行为广告还是坚持微软的默认设置,他们可能会忽略 DNT 信号继续进行。

The child actor's press agent says: "He does not talk to the press on such matters."───这位童星的新闻发言人说:“他不会就这些事情向媒体发表观点。”

I couldn't face the prospect of spending a Saturday night there, so I decided to press on.───我感到无法在那里过周六晚上,所以我决定继续赶路。

To do CPR, you press on the sick person's chest so that blood moves through the body and takes oxygen to organs.───做心肺复苏时,你要按压病人的胸部,使血液在体内流通,将氧气输送到各个器官。

It isn't easy, but you press on because you don't have a choice.───这一点也不简单, 但是您别无选择,只能继续坚持下去.

We must press on with our work because it is late.───我们必须加紧干这活,因为已经晚了.
