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时间:2022-10-11 08:02:40 作者:星火作文 字数:3620字






Methods Clinical data of 36 patients with large goiter complicated by tracheomalacia at Xijing Hospital between 1992 and 2004 were retrospectively reviewed.───方法回顾性分析1992 - 2004年本院收治的36例巨大甲状腺肿合并气管软化的临床资料。

The essay classifies the complete content of science and technology history in Xijing Zaji as well as analyzes and discusses the account of machinery and physics in the work.───本文将《西京杂记》中科技史的全部内容按照科技史的观点进行了分类,并进一步对有关机械、物理的部分内容进行了分析、探讨。

SETTING and MATERIALS:Research was carried out in the Department of Oral Biolo gy, and Department of Nuclear Medicine of Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University.───地点和材料:实验地点在第四军医大学口腔生物学教研室和西京医院核医学科。

On the techniques can be cited for the Fine Brushwork freehand brushwork and two paintings, each Xijing, each other characteristics.───在技法上又可引为工笔画和写意画两种,各有蹊径,互有特色。

The economic prosperity in Xijing for the culture and spiritual culture of the preconditions for the further development.───西京经济的繁荣为西京制度文化和精神文化的发展提供了基础。

Northern Song Dynasty in the late decadent Xijing outer city gradually fallen incomplete, lost, marking the decline of Xijing.───北宋中后期西京外郭城逐步颓塌残缺,丧失殆尽,标志着西京的日渐衰落。


Methods Clinical data of 36 patients with large goiter complicated by tracheomalacia at Xijing Hospital between 1992 and 2004 were retrospectively reviewed.

Blood sucking insect Mao Xijing hatches the law available naked eye to pick out, the reason insect proglottis may also pick out in the bowel movement with the naked eye.

Methods 220 cases with ureter disease in Xijing hospital accepted MSCT scan, and image data of the cases were analysed with the post-processing technique, and the whole urogram was acquired.