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时间:2022-10-11 08:05:02 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3206字


Realistic literature




It also shows that self control learning with realism self and ideality self have obvious correlation.───具体的说:学习自控与现实自我、理想自我都有显著的相关,并且与现实自我关系更密切.

It is more of an objective social realism aesthetics based on humanities.───是有人文考据的、较偏重客观性社会写实主义美学倾向.

By the early 1880 s Howells's brand of realism was in certain respects fixed.───十九世纪八○年代初,豪威尔斯所提倡的那种现实主义在某些方面已经定型.

Clever lighting and sound effects brought greater realism to the play.───巧妙的灯光和音响效果给这出戏注入了更强的现实主义色彩.

Both realism and naturalism are mimetic systems or practices of representation.───现实主义和自然主义都是模仿的做法或者表现的习惯而已。

All my life had shaped me for the realism, the naturalism of the modern novel.───我的全部生活使得我适合于现代小说所表现的现实主义和自然主义.

It's hard to give a unified end uncontested definition of the term of scientific realism.───为科学实在论给出一个一致的、毫无争议的形式定义是十分困难的.

As to XunGen Literature, we always interpret it from two aspectes; Realism or Modernism.───对于寻根文学一般从现实主义和现代主义两个向度加以阐释,事实上寻根文学同样具有浓厚的浪漫主义精神特质, 而且为世纪末的浪漫主义的发展提供了某种新质.


Children can get frustrated when they are unable to achieve realism in their drawings.