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时间:2022-10-11 12:00:31 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3382字






Epidemiological survey was performed on the natural environment and the infection of fasciolopsis buski in aquatic in Weishan county.───微山县水产养殖的自然环境和布氏片虫病的感染情况进行了流行病学调查。

Xiangzikou Weishan is located in hilly red soil areas of Southern China.───沩山地处我国南方红壤丘陵地区。

There are many affixes in Weishan dialect which is one of the Contemporary Chinese.───方言作为现代汉语中的一支,也存在大量的词缀现象。

weishan sect of seal supine, prosperous, pulse ancient temples as zen monks emerge in endlessly, the long history of five pie.───沩仰宗祖庭的密印古寺,法脉长盛不衰,高僧层出不穷,成为禅宗五派之首。

The sun in the west is near setting Quietly, Weishan Lake Playing my loved pipa singing the moving ballad.───西边的太阳就要落山了,鬼子的末日就要来到。弹起我心爱的土琵琶,唱起那动人的歌谣。

Wu Weishan has paved the way for such a practice.───在此,吴为山的实践做出了有益的尝试。


He is tired, but patiently poses for a portrait, standing in the middle of Weishan river for nearly 30 minutes with a heavy, malodorous load strapped across his forehead.

Dali, Lijiang and Weishan have been designated nationalfamous historical cultural towns.

Objective To investigate the effects of ecological environment changes on fasciolopsiasis epidemic in Weishan lake area after the South-to-North water diversion.

The kinetics curved lines of chlorinating rate on chlorinating rare earth of Weishan mid-grade bastnasite in Shandong after fixed fluorine were determined.

Methods Epidemiological survey was performed on the natural environment, the changes of water area and the infection of fasciolopsis buski in aquatic in Weishan country.