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时间:2022-10-11 20:01:13 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2917字


It's not always safe to pay online




His comeback fight will be televised on network TV.───他的复出之战将在网络电视上播出。

The network of 366 local offices is being rationalised to leave the company with 150 to 200 larger branch offices.───该公司曾经拥有的366个地方办事处正被精简为150到200个规模较大的分支机构。

The government has announced an ambitious programme to modernise the railway network.───政府宣布了一项高要求的计划,使铁路网现代化.

They have built the national network.───他们建成了全国性的网络.

Try browsing around in the network bulletin boards.───试着在网络论坛上浏览信息。

Bangkok is crisscrossed by a network of klongs.───曼谷有纵横交错的运河网.

A firewall provides an essential security blanket for your computer network.───防火墙为计算机网络提供了基本安全保障。

All our computers are plugged into the main network.───我们所有的电脑都和主网络联网了。


The majority obtained their positions through the old boy network.

Massive investment is needed to modernise the country's telephone network.

They are establishing a network of pumps and pipelines to move the oil.

The fabrics are merchandised through a network of dealers.

You're listening to the American Armed Forces Network.