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时间:2022-10-11 20:03:12 作者:星火作文 字数:2584字


Line up


排队伍───Line up


Line up against the window so that you can be seen.───在窗子旁站成一排,这样人家就能看见你们了.

Line up these men and see if the witness can recognize the criminal.───让这些人站成一排看看见证人能否从中把罪犯认出来.

Woodward has fast-tracked a number of youngsters into the line-up since he became coach.───伍德沃德担任教练后破格起用了一些年轻人出场。

Line up these men and see if the witness can recognize the criminal .───将这些人排成一行,看看目击者是否能认出罪犯。

Line up the glasses and I'll fill them.───把玻璃杯排好,我来把它们倒满.

I would line up my toys on this windowsill and play.───我要把玩具在这个窗台上排成一行来玩。

When the images line up exactly, the projectors should be fixed in place.───图像完全对齐时,投影仪的位置就应该固定下来。

I would line up my toys on this windowsill and play.───我会把玩具排在这个窗台上来玩。


Please line up one after another.