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时间:2022-10-11 20:05:09 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2749字


one's feelings


襟期───one's feelings


One's feelings and instincts are not always a guide to behaviour.───一个人的感情和本能并不总是言行的良好向导。

He spared no one's feelings and expressed his views with great candor.───他不顾及他人的感受坦率地表达了自己的观点。

Music is an important way to expressing one's feelings and emotions.───音乐是一种表达人们情感的重要方式。

The two new experiments show that this can work the other way as well: Hot and cold sensations can influence one's feelings.───新的两项实验表明这也可以通过其他方式起作用:热和冷的感知可以影响人们的感觉。

Walk in the dark street, with rain and let me be overcome by one's feelings wind wrapped in a coat, and then hands her, like winter.───走在昏暗的路灯下,夹杂着细雨的冷风让我情不自禁裹紧了外套,然后双手环抱自己,恍若寒冬。

Try not to skirt issues if you think you'll hurt some one's feelings.───即使你觉得会伤害别人也不要避开问题。


It's hard to dam up one's feelings.

He spared no one's feelings and expressed his views with great candor.

It is not good to overcontain one's feelings.