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时间:2022-10-12 00:02:03 作者:学习啦 字数:2690字


I want the patient to recover




The doctor administered some medicines to his patient.───医生给了他的病人一些药.

The drug has had an immediate effect on the patient.───此药对病人立刻产生了效果.

a drug that disposes the patient towards sleep───使病人想睡觉的药

She pressed the patient a bit too hard when she gave him an injection.───她打针时手重了些.

We hope this book will act as a bridge between doctor and patient.───我们希望这本书能成为医生与患者之间沟通的桥梁。

The patient was saved.───病人得救了.

When the doctor answered the phone, Mr gilbert said he was inquiring about a certain patient, a Mr gilbert.───当医生接电话时, 吉尔伯特先生说,他是在打听一位叫吉尔伯特先生的病人.

The nurse should try to develop empathy between herself and the patient.───护士应当努力与病人建立心理上的沟通.


The patient was transferred to another hospital.

The doctor is very patient with his patients.

Patient men win the day.

She's been extremely patient about it all.

I shall go and see the patient anyway.