beginning-school ceremony
鼓箧───beginning-school ceremony
China's national anthem, March of the Volunteers, is a song that we learn at the beginning of primary school and sing at every flag-raising ceremony.───中国国歌《义勇军进行曲》是我们小学一开始就学的一首歌,在每次升旗仪式上都会唱。
At the ceremony, graduates expressed their appreciation to country, to their school and teachers. They also recognized that graduation represents a new beginning on a long road.───在毕业典礼上,同学们表达了对祖国、学校和老师的感激之情,同时表示,毕业是一个新的开始,以后的路还很长。
of Qiyuan International School. Ms. Chen Lina to give us a speech and declare the beginning of the graduation ceremony.───特色实验小学上台讲话,并宣布毕业典礼开始。 三,感恩父母。
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