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时间:2022-10-12 08:01:43 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2936字


Cross talk


交嘴───Cross talk


Are you to love to hear cross talk?───你不是爱听相声 吗 ?

I like cross talk.───我喜欢相声.

Whether cross talk can reach a climax depends on their humorous skills.───看一段相声能否达到较高的境界,幽默技巧是关键性条件.

Some of these considderationsinclude insertion loss, cross talk, propagation delay , and unterminated stubs.───需要考虑的因素包括插入损耗 、 串扰 、 传输延迟和未端接短截线.

All applications that use a database will experience some cross talk within the database.───使用数据库的所有应用程序都将经受该数据库内的一些串扰。

Other cross talk elders say the money associated with the form’s popularity has commercialized the shows, watering down the traditional wit.───其他老一辈相声演员也认为,与钱挂钩使得相声变得商业化,从而让相声这个古老的艺术智慧渗了水。

Signaling pathways downstream of pattern - recognition receptors and their cross talk.───信号通路下游的模式识别受体及其相互干扰作用.

In English, we never talk about cross talk.───在英语中, 我们从来不说这个词.


I like cross talk.

The meeting was slowed by cross talk between some of the members.

Whether cross talk can reach a climax depends on their humorous skills.

I prefer cross talk to film.

The cross talk is funny.