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时间:2022-10-12 08:03:58 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2847字


Head and Shoulders


海飞丝───Head and Shoulders


All of those players are considered head - and - shoulders above Ginobili in NBA circles.───在nba的圈子里,所有这些球员都被公认为是高出基诺比利一头的.

Head and shoulders above her colleagues in analytical capability.───在分析能力上远远强于她的同事.

Xiangzi stood there alone, head and shoulders above the rest.───祥子独自立在那里, 比别人都高着许多,他觉出自己的孤立.

My son is head and shoulders taller than me.───我儿子比我高出一头.

He took off her head and shoulders in charcoal.───他用炭笔画她的半身像.

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, eyes, ears, mouth and nose.───头和肩, 膝盖和脚尖,膝盖和脚尖, 眼睛, 耳朵, 嘴和鼻子.

Here's how to stand head and shoulders above your competitors.───这是如何超越你的竞争对手的方法.

Albertsons ( ABS ) is forming a small Head and Shoulders.───的股票分析图正形成小型的头肩形.


The two candidates stood head and shoulders above the rest.

Lying on your tummy, raise your head and shoulders.

There's no competition - they're head and shoulders above the rest.

His superb technique puts him head and shoulders ahead of the field.

His performance stood head and shoulders above the rest.