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时间:2022-10-12 12:05:39 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2856字


There are many interesting things in my childhood


我的童年───My childhood;趣事───Interesting story


In my childhood, local dairies bought milk from local farmers.───在我小时候,本地的乳品公司向当地农场主收购牛奶。

The book summoned up memories of my childhood.───这本书唤起我童年的记忆。

I trusted my grandfather more than anyone else in my childhood.───在我的童年时代,我最信任我的祖父。

And I will try to see all my childhood friends and pay a visit to my high school teacher, who has played an important role in my life.───我会尝试看看我所有的童年时代的朋友,并支付给我的高中老师的访问,谁发挥了我的生活中起着重要的作用。

Xia zhi xing: i know him since my childhood. He would never be so dirty as you think.───夏之星:我从小就认识他,他哪有你想得那么龌龊。

He reminds me of my childhood, which seems to be faraway from me.───他唤醒我对童年的回忆,那对我来说似乎久远而朦胧。


These pictures took me back to my childhood days.

I spent most of my childhood being shunted between my parents who had divorced when I was five.

I feel very bitter about my childhood and all that was denied me.

This photograph represents my childhood.

The habit carries over from my childhood.