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时间:2022-10-12 16:01:30 作者:星火作文 字数:2502字


Pure Brightness


清明节气───Pure Brightness


So Pure Brightness festival is not only a day for tomb sweeping!───原来清明节不仅仅是扫墓的日子啊!

Pure Brightness is also called hanshi in some areas.───有的地方把清明叫做寒食.

In short, "Riverside Scene of Pure Brightness," a high historical value.───总之,《清明上河图》具有极高的史料价值。

On the Pure Brightness, we burned some grave clothes for our dead Grandpa.───清明节那天,我们给去世的爷爷烧了些冥衣。

I will treat you to have tea, which is biluochun tea picked before Pure Brightness.───我请你喝好茶吧, 明前采摘的碧螺春!


We must not overmeasure this kind of force, the injustice that because solve those, comes from ground floor and appeal to beg more need Pure Brightness of judicatory justice, administration.

All Souls' Day, or Pure Brightness, is a day when Chinese remember their ancestors, primarily by paying respect at their tombs.