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时间:2022-10-12 16:04:36 作者:星火作文 字数:3442字


Technology Development Department


开发部───Development Department;技术───technology


Federal recognition will give the tribe access to loans from the Housing and Urban Development department.───联邦承诺shinnecocks部落将获由住房和城市发展部提供的贷款。

Steve: Hi Mike. Have you met the new hire in the Business Development Department?───史蒂夫: 嗨麦克, 你见过业务开发部新来的职员了 吗 ?

There are Department Department, Business and Development Department, Equipment Department and General Office in the company.───公司内设工程部、财务部 、 经营开发部 、 设备科、综合办公室.

Our Research and Development Department was praised for our research.───我们研究开发部的研究工作受到了表扬.

We have professional research and development department and strict quality control system.───我们有专业的研究和开发部门和严格的质量控制体系.

Now , it's the Research and Development Department.───接下来是研究开发部。

During design stage, Sange's development department responses for pre - design and model test.───在设计阶段, 三格的研发部门执行预设计和模拟测试.

Sample is mailed to customers for testing when completed by development department.───样品测试是在开发部做出样品后寄给客户检测.


Federal recognition will give the tribe access to loans from the Housing and Urban Development department.

The KMC Research and Development Department devotes itself to color longevity and continual design improvements.

During design stage, Sange's development department responses for pre - design and model test.

The responsibility for obtaining such information rests with the business units themselves and/or a central research and development department.

We have professional research and development department and strict quality control system.