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时间:2022-10-12 20:03:03 作者:语文迷 字数:2916字


Willing to eat


愿意吃───Willing to eat


It's true we're less willing to eat bitterness," Chen said with a chuckle. "we're better educated."───诚然,我们不太愿意吃苦,”陈说,“我们受到更好的教育,我们知道自己的权利。”

Then he receives a tiny piece of candy or cake and instantly the baby will be willing to eat more baby food.───这时,你如果给他一点糖,或一块蛋糕,你的婴儿就会愿意继续吃一点你那乏味的食品。

Japanese long life is not without reason, because they are always willing to eat sushi.───日本人寿命很长不是没有原因的,因为他们总愿意吃寿司。

Clearly, the Jerry Springer show is about the dark side of society, yet people are willing to eat up the troubles of other people's lives.───显然,杰里施普林格显示,大约是阴暗面的社会,然而,人们也愿意吃起来麻烦,其他人的生活。

Dogs are perfectly willing to eat human corpses, and there's no evidence that they treat their masters differently than any other dead body.───狗也会吃掉人类尸体,且无证据表明,它们对待主人尸体与对待其他尸体时会有所不同。


We are willing to eat garbage for lunch because the larder is always empty of foods we actually want.

If you have an older corn snake not willing to eat mice, then this procedure can be used for them too...