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时间:2022-10-12 20:06:02 作者:语文迷 字数:2848字


Your studio looks great


工作室───studio;好棒───very good


The studio manager will cue you in when it's your turn to sing.───轮到你唱的时候,演播室经理会向你发出暗示的.

a television studio───电视演播室

The rehearsal studio is buzzing with lunchtime activity.───大家在吃午饭,排练室里很是嘈杂。

The production unit of the Beijing Film Studio will leave Beijing for other parts of the country to film the exterior next month.───北京电影制片厂摄制组下个月去外地拍外景.

The studio is midway between his aunt's old home and his cottage.───工作室就在从他姑姑的老宅到他的小屋的中途。

I cut it out and pinned it to my studio wall.───我把它剪下来钉在我工作室的墙上。

In January, 37 years after our first meeting, I was back in the studio with Denis.───那是1月,在我们初次相遇37年之后,我和丹尼斯一同回到了工作室。

There was nervous tittering in the studio audience.───演播室观众席上传来紧张的低笑声。


Mark and his cohorts eventually emerged from the studio.

Most of the scenes were filmed in a studio.

A plaster cast of Madame Fournier stood in the artist's studio.

She had a call from him on Saturday morning at the studio.

Hemingway's studio is to the right.