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时间:2022-10-13 00:00:54 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2876字


There will be no short circuit


短路───short circuit;不会───can't


Asknown, the short circuit fault is one the most dangerous and frequent faults in Power system.───电力系统在运行过程中,最常见且最危险的故障是发生各种类型的短路故障.

short circuit will blow the fuse.───短路会烧断保险丝的。

The vitamins, by efficiently destroying the reactive oxygen , short circuit the body's natural response to exercise.───维生素, 有效地破坏了活性氧, 从而使身体对运动产生的自然的反应时间变短.

It possess complete protection functions over short circuit, over current, under voltage. etc.───具备短路 、 过流 、 欠压等完备的保护功能.

This paper presents a method to calculate the short circuit current of an abscissa compensation circuit.───以电力系统中常见的串联补偿电路为研究对象,提出了一种新的分析方法——级数分析法.

The ARD has perfect performance on short circuit, Over current and over voltage protections.───电梯自动救援装置输出具有超强的短路 、 过流、低压保护.

No Ultrasonic: Check whether generator components are damaged, or the transducer short circuit.───无超声波: 检查超生波发生器功率内的元件是否损坏, 换能器是否短路.

Tool set will mind too much skin damage caused by a short circuit line 3.───刀具设定太深会使心线皮破损造成短路3.
