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时间:2022-10-13 04:03:24 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2412字


sons of the heaven


真龙───True Dragon;天子───The son of heaven


train the true Dragon Warrior.───训练真正的“龙武士”。

These days, only the lesser dragons walk in Ashan. Avatars of the Dragon Gods, they are a pale reflection of their true magnitude and glory.───现如今,只有那些次级龙在亚山世界显现,作为龙神的化身,它们仅仅显露出了自身真实尺度和荣光的一小部分。

And now he has a chance to make things right. To; train the true Dragon Warrior. And hes stuck with you.───现在他终于有机会弥补了,训练出真正的神龙斗士,却被你破坏了。

The Zmey is a three headed dragon capable of breathing flames. It is larger than a wyvern, but smaller than a true dragon.───这是一种能够吐火的龙类生物,它比双足飞龙体型更大,但又比真正的龙要小。

has a chance to make things right. To train the true Dragon Warrior.───而现在,他有机会弥补过失,来教导真正的龙之武士。
