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时间:2022-10-13 08:01:12 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2959字


The great river goes to the East


大江───great river;东去───Go East


The great river rolls on.───大江滚滚流去.

A dismayed Xuande said, "Before us is the Great River; behind is the pursuers."───玄德曰:“前有大江,后有追兵,如之奈何? ”。

She will follow me willingly as I roam from one great river to the next.───她会心甘情愿地跟着我从一条大河跑向另一条大河.

Small boats loaded with wares sped to the great river as she was entering the harbor.───当一艘大型班船进港的时候,许多小船载着各种货物快速向大河驶来.

Irrigation is easy enough if there is a great river near the crops.───如果庄稼附近有条大河,灌溉就容易多了.

It is truly a great river.───真是一条宏伟的大河。

He crossed the great river Rhone.───他渡过了巨大的罗纳河.

Here and there gleams as of a few scattered pieces of of the great river.───这里那里,银光点点,勾划出曲曲弯弯的河流航道.


The Great River swept sluggishly through meads that were aflame with buttercups and dotted with the last patches of melting snow.

The Oceanids, the nymphs of this great river, were their daughters.

Round about Grace herself the great river deposited little but mounds of plastic containers.

He crossed the great river Rhone.

The Yangtse River is China the first great river, the main stream overall length 6300 kilometres.