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时间:2022-10-13 12:01:42 作者:语文迷 字数:2658字


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And there we end this edition of Science in Action.───本期《科学在行动》到这里就结束了。

Regarding this person, the humblest nothing better than brings that two fundamental point edition compares.───对于这个人来说, 最谦卑的兙莫过于把那两个基本点版本拿来比较了.

I've written away to order the second edition of the dictionary.───我已写信订购该词典的第二版.

This a facsimile edition of an eighteenth century book.───这是一本18世纪书籍的复制版.

A new chapter is included in the second edition.───这本书再版时插入了新的一章.

They issued a new edition of Lu Xun's works.───他们发行了鲁迅著作的一个新版本.

The first edition was published in 2002.───第一版于2002年发行。


The new edition of the dictionary carries 7000 additions to the language, which purists say is under threat.

He heavily expurgated the work in its second edition.

The first edition was published in 1765.

the electronic edition of 'The Guardian'

The book appeared in a limited edition of 3,000.