No suspense
Oh, tell me, don'tkeep me in suspense.───呵, 告诉我, 别让我挂念.
The director started laying down the suspense at the beginning of this thrilling movie.───导演在这部悬疑电影的开头就埋下了伏线.
They waited in suspense to hear the end of the story.───他们着急地等待着听故事的结局.
"Go on, don't leave us in suspense," Dennis said.───丹尼斯说:“接着说,别吊我们胃口了。”
suspense over the two remaining hostages ended last night when the police discovered the bullet ridden bodies.───剩下两名人质的悬念在昨晚警方发现布满弹孔的尸体后结束了。
The suspense grew as I rose closer to the top: would there be Wall?───越临近谷顶,我就越怀疑: 究竟有没有长城 呢 ?
Whenever I start a suspense novel, I usually finish it at a sitting.───只要我开始阅读一本悬念小说, 我经常会一口气把它读完.
Horrified suspense entrances the onlookers.───令人毛骨悚然的气氛使旁观者们目瞪口呆.
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