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时间:2022-10-13 20:01:55 作者:学习啦 字数:2825字






An avaricious man is always needy.───贪婪的人总是贫困的.

These priests are all thus, greedy and avaricious.───所有的神甫全一样, 又贪又吝.

They are avaricious and will do anything for money.───他们很贪婪,愿意为了钱做任何事情.

He is so avaricious that we call him a blood sucker.───他如此贪婪,我们都叫他吸血鬼.

It's not the Agriculture Ministry but the avaricious enterprises that should be responsible for the accident.───事件曝光后,农林大臣太田诚一在接受采访时说这种大米对人体无害,不用大惊小怪.

He was insatiably avaricious the more he got , the more he wanted to have.───他贪得无厌,得寸进尺.

priests are all thus, greedy and avaricious.───所有的神甫全一样,又贪又吝。

Why? are you avaricious also?───为什么? 难道你也财迷?


An avaricious man is always needy.

He is wonderfully avaricious, devious and a genius at avoiding parting with even a sou, all to great comic effect.

He sacrificed his own career so that his avaricious brother could succeed.

The gentleman is also avaricious, much less pass student.

It was as if Gillray's avaricious monarch was more of an affront than the voluptuary suffering from the horrors of dissipation.