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时间:2022-10-13 20:04:18 作者:学习啦 字数:2907字


excellent harvest


大登───excellent harvest


an excellent harvest. Her "grab life with both hands" spirit spared no can or bottle.───今天大丰收,坚决贯彻「两手都要抓」的精神,一个都不能少!

harbors elegant content and graceful art form. It is an excellent harvest in the literary world of today.───内容,也有美的形式,是当代文坛不可多得的美的收获之一。

We got an excellent harvest last year.───去年我们获得了大丰收。

Since 2001, circulation increased blue crab, that was an excellent harvest, the next step for the Division I laid a good foundation.───自2001年开始增加梭子蟹流通,当年获的极好收获,为我司下一步发展打下了良好的基础。

The old lady had an excellent harvest. Her "grab life with both hands" spirit spared no can or bottle.───婆婆今天大丰收,坚决贯彻「两手都要抓」的精神,一个都不能少!

The excellent harvest in India convinced politicians, once fearful of food inflation, to lower protectionist defences.───印度的水稻大丰收说服了一度担忧食品价格通胀的政客在稻米出口上放下了贸易保护主义者的姿态。


Good weather late in the season stopped rot in western areas, with sunny weather in the second half of September providing excellent harvest conditions despite a damp beginning.