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时间:2022-10-14 00:01:43 作者:学习啦 字数:3029字


Your own reflexive pronouns




Remember, the supertype relation is reflexive.───记住超类型的关系是反身的.

Matrix to determine whether it is reflexive and symmetric, Discrete Mathematics in the binary relation.───判断矩阵是否是自反的,对称的, 离散数学中的二元关系.

When do you use the reflexive pronouns?───在什么情况下使用反身代名词?

As one of the anaphoric devices , English reflexive pronouns have long captured the imagination of linguists.───英语反身代词作为“照应”手段之一,倍受各派语言学家的青睐.

Clearly this relation is reflexive.───显然这个关系是自反的.

Reflexive pronouns can be the object of a preposition.───反身代词也可作介词宾语.

This reflexive adjustment is totally absent during NREM sleep.───睡眠期,完全没有这种反射性的调整。

By the reflexive model , workflow system has the flex ability to changing circumstance.───通过引进自反特性,工作流系统具备了灵活可扩充的动态适应能力.


These active reflexive behaviors allow the infant to construct his or her first differentiations within the environment.

Most transitive verbs can take a reflexive pronoun.

His reflexive response pulled him to one side and his shoe appeared to touch the white line.

The sucking reflex illustrates a reflexive schema.

Many management researchers choose to publish the reflexive account separately from the study findings.