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时间:2022-10-14 00:03:51 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2821字


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U.S. forces now occupy a part of the country.───美国军队现在占领了该国的一部分。

Letterhead designs vary with business organizations and occupy the top of the first page.───信笺设计不同的商业组织和占领上方的第一页.

The design and application of pleats occupy an important position in plastic arts of garments.───褶皱的设计与应用在服装造型艺术中占有重要的位置,在现代服装设计中被广泛应用.

Men still occupy more positions of power than women.───担任要职的男性仍然比女性多。

Chinese women occupy an important place in people's congresses at various levels.───中国妇女在各级人民代表大会中占有重要的位置.

Xinan mandarins and Xiang dialects occupy very important position in Chinese dialects.───湘语和西南官话在汉语方言中都占据着非常重要的位置.

Government troops have been defeated and the enemy now occupy urban area.───政府军队已经被打败,敌军现在占领了城区.

This challenge will occupy Europe for a generation or more.───这将是欧洲在未来二三十年或者更长的时间里所要面临的挑战。


It is forbidden to occupy basic farmland to develop horticulture or dig ponds to breed fish.