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时间:2022-10-14 00:05:43 作者:星火作文 字数:2824字


Second largest


二大───Second largest


Rio de Janeiro, Brazil's second largest city , stretches itself lazily along the coast the Atlantic Ocean.───沿着大西洋海岸悠闲地展开她的身姿.

China is now the world's second largest economy.───中国现在是世界上第二大经济体。

Yale's endowment is the second largest after Harvard at twenty - two and a half billion dollars.───耶鲁大学所获捐赠仅次于哈佛大学,高达两百二十五亿美元.

Of all the ethnic groups, the Han people have the second largest population.───在所有民族中,汉族人口位居第二。

Even fast - growing China the world's second largest oil after the U.S.───甚至经济快速增长的中国对石油也不像以往那样渴求了.

The second largest radio telescope is in Russia.───第二大射电望远镜在俄罗斯。

It is the second largest branch of tungsten consumption.───国内外颇具规模的专一钨制品生产厂并不多见.


Osaka is the second largest city in Japan.

It is the second largest insurance company in Germany.

The London Underground is the second largest metro system in the world.

Porto Santo is the second largest island in the Madeira group, and the only other one which is populated.

Timbmet is the uk's second largest wood importer.