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时间:2022-10-14 04:01:32 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2754字






The prize of Kunduz is within reach of the anti - Taleban Northern Alliance.───对于 反 塔北方联盟来说,占据昆都士已是唾手可得的了.

taking office he called the Kunduz airstrike militarily “appropriate” despite its horrific death toll.───上任,他就鼓吹昆都士的空袭是军事上“合适”的,尽管死亡人数非常惊人。

We left the Committee's compound that evening, and drove back through the checkpoints and rice fields to Kunduz.───那天傍晚我们离开了“委员会”的大院,穿越那些检查站和水稻田,返回了昆都士。

KUNDUZ PROVINCE Incident Report: Mistaken Airstrike───昆都士省(阿富汗东北)2009.9.3 事故报告:一次错误的空袭


The prize of Kunduz is within reach of the anti - Taleban Northern Alliance.

German soldier adjusts his helmet in an armoured personnel carrier (APC) during a patrol between Kunduz and Chahar Dara August 26, 2009.

So it is no surprise that after the disastrous air strike on two bogged down tankers in Kunduz in Afghanistan, that Farrell – now of the New York Times – should want to be there, despite the risk.

Elite troops had just spent five days attacking the Taliban bastion of Gul Tepa north-west of Kunduz.