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时间:2022-10-14 04:04:33 作者:趣历史 字数:2499字


Please, fairy


仙姑───a fairy;请───please


It was like a king's canopy, a fairy king's.───它就像国王的华盖,一个童话里国王的华盖。

The heroine looks like a fairy.───女主角看上去像一个小精灵。

She was like a princess in a fairy tale.───她像童话故事里的一位公主。

It was as if they swam straight from the pages of a fairy-tale.───他们看起来就好像是从神话故事书中直接游出来的生物。

Smoke into the sky, like a fairy taking off Xian-yun, thump blurred, when disappeared the next.───炊烟腾空而起,就像仙人起飞的仙云,扑腾迷离,时隐时现。

A look again upwards, seems to be a fairy ran like the moon.───再往上看一看,似乎正有一位仙女像月亮奔去。


What he said sounded like a fairy tale.

She was like a princess in a fairy tale.

It is a fairy wood that has never a withered bough in it. 

Is there anybody who can tell a fairy tale?

She is a fairy.