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时间:2022-10-14 08:04:28 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2907字


So it is


所如───So it is


It has many omissions ; even so, it is quite a useful reference book.───那本书有许多遗漏之处, 即使如此, 尚不失为一本有用的参考书.

The school is close to our houses, so it is quite handy for the children.───学校离我们家很近, 所以孩子们上学很方便.

John often plays the fool so it is difficult to know when to take him seriously.───约翰常常逗人笑,因此要想知道何时他是正经的就很困难了.

O, I know, I know, so it is," replied the Rat evasively.───噢,我知道,我知道,确实是这么回事。”河鼠推脱道。

Classes are over. So it is after school.───课堂都结束了,所以现在是放学时间了。

So it is with the theory of the pendulum.───政局摆动理论也是如此.

Nick Wileman is a school caretaker so it is vital that he gets on well with young people.───尼克·威尔曼是学校的管理员,因此与年轻人搞好关系很重要。

But even so, it is not possible to doubt one's own existence.───即便如此, 人们无法怀疑自身的存在.


There are few places on the course, so it is essential to book in advance.

John often plays the fool so it is difficult to know when to take him seriously.

So it is a useful addition to our equipment.

Adjust the lighting so it is soft and restful.

So it is with conservation policies.