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时间:2022-10-14 12:01:57 作者:语文迷 字数:2583字


The mouth is small




His mouth looked deceptively gentle.───他说话时装作很温柔.

You wouldn't be here now if she'd kept her mouth shut.───如果她守口如瓶的话,你现在就不会在这儿啦。

My mouth felt completely dry.───我感到口干舌燥。

A smirk flickered at the corner of his mouth as he watched my struggle.───他看我挣扎的样子,嘴角闪过一丝幸灾乐祸的笑容.

He cupped his hands around his mouth and called out for Diane.───他双手拢在嘴边,大声呼喊黛安娜。

Roll the wine around in your mouth, drawing in air at the same time.───让酒在嘴里滚一下,同时吸气。

It tastes delicious, and makes one run at the mouth.───这味道真美, 使人流口水.

You don't know the facts, so keep your mouth shut!───你不了解情况, 别多嘴!


and Z keeping your mouth shut.

He covered her mouth to stop her from screaming.

Keep your mouth shut and your ears open.

An enemy’s mouth seldom speaks well.

An uncontrollable tremor shook his mouth.