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时间:2022-10-14 12:03:09 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2822字


Make solid


造实───Make solid


The Greens are mustering too, hoping to make solid gains in local elections.───绿党也不甘示弱,希望在地区选举中获得坚实稳定的地位。

You can make solid shapes by using circles of string.───通过把绳子围成圈圈,你可以做出实心的形状。

Make solid recommendations to help the patient make better choices about maintaining and improving health.───给出非常可靠的推荐帮助患者做出更好的选择,维持并提高健康水平。

Try to make solid lines out of various sizes and shapes as they float down to the bottom of the screen.───在各种尺寸的形状掉到屏幕底部之前把它们变成实线。

Qualified cast ingot of large transect, produced by steel and iron with slag, can be used to make solid waste are fully utilized.───用渣钢铁冶炼生产合格铸钢锭可以充分合理应用金属资源。


I jab smartly, snapping out into his unsuspecting face and make solid contact against his nose.

One should work steadily and make solid progresses as every step leaves its print instead of having aleatory mentality.

Harbin Zhongxin Wood Artistic Product Factory is the only professional manufacturer in China to make solid wood hollow globe, wood beer barrel, wood pallet, wood horse-cart, and wooden football.