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时间:2022-10-14 16:00:25 作者:语文迷 字数:3393字






As an importantorientation tool, adjustable stabilizer is especially suitablefor modern drilling.───可变径稳定器作为一类重要的定向工具, 尤其应用于现代钻井过程中.

Hydrotalcite - rare earth - Zinc complex heating stabilizer was prepared, its'stability was compared.───研究了水滑石 - 稀土 - 锌复合热稳定剂的制备, 并比较了其热稳定效果.

Stabilizer is an important component in BHA of hole deviation control.───稳定器是井斜控制井底钻具组合中的重要组件.

Ball nut, a fixed spherical nut driven by the jackscrew for flap and stabilizer movement.───球形螺母,由顶头螺钉驱动的固定球形螺母,用于翻板和稳定器运动。

In this paper a laser stabilizer using double feedback signals is proposed.───提出了一种采用双反馈方式工作的激光光强稳定系统.

Fats without a stabilizer should be used with extreme caution.───需谨慎使用未加稳定剂的脂肪.

Choice of stabilizer in emulsion systems has always been rather empirical.───在乳液体系中,稳定剂的选择往往凭经验.

It was made of aluminum tubing, Mylar and piano wire, with a weird horizontal stabilizer poking from the front like the head of a stork.───它是由铝管、聚酯薄膜和钢琴丝制成的,一个奇怪的水平稳定器从前面伸出,像鹳的头。


Twin motor jack on stabilizer for pitch trim.

the horizontal stabilizer and elevator in the tail assembly of an aircraft.

Not least important, marriage is a great social stabilizer of men.

The complete normal and emergency stabilizer trim systems operated normally when functionally checked on the aircraft after the accident.

Examination of the aircraft revealed the horizontal stabilizer was in the full travel nose-down position and beyond the micro switch stop.