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时间:2022-10-14 16:02:27 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2606字


Auto repair shop


修理铺───Repair shop;汽车───automobile


The truck towed the car to the repair shop.───卡车把那辆车拖吊到维修厂.

Once in Kolkata, they sleep on the street or in their rickshaws or in a dera—a combination of garage and repair shop and dormitory managed by someone called a sardar.───一到加尔各答,他们就睡在大街上或是人力车里,或在由一个叫萨达尔的人管理的车库、修理店和宿舍的组合区域 dera 里。

Today, I got my car back from the repair shop.───今天我从修理部把我的车取了回来。

Stop tinkering with my television and take it to the repair shop.───你不要摆弄我的电视机了,把它送到修理店去吧.

You said the repair shop is three blocks from the right?───你刚才说修鞋铺是往右拐过三条路?

The car broke down and the repair shop is ten miles away.───车子坏了,修车厂又在十里以外.

Manage repair shop, improve repair time, spare parts lead time.───管理维修站, 改善维修周期和配件的申请交期.

Stop tinkering with that clock and take it to the repair shop.───别摆弄那只钟了,把它送到修理店去修吧.
