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时间:2022-10-14 20:00:30 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3044字


It is everyone's responsibility to protect wild animals


野生动物───wild animal;人人───everyone


The lion is a wild animal.───狮子是一种野生动物.

On no account are visitors allowed to feed animals in the wild - animal park.───决不允许游客在野生动物区给动物喂食.

But the possibility of another kind of wild animal on the prowl has some people worried.───但是,可能是另一种觅食的野生动物让一些人感到担忧.

If someone says a child was raised by wolves, that child has bad manners and is behaving like a wild animal.───如果有人说一个孩子是由狼养大的,这个孩子没有礼貌,行为像野兽。

The heavy fur on its neck felt like a poodle's. It had the powerful musky smell of a wild animal.───那厚重的毛皮摸起来就像狮子狗。它有着野生动物那种强烈的麝香味。

This is the Yunnan Wild Animal Park from the reporter that the case interview.───这是记者从云南野生动物园采访了解到的情况.

The jackal is a wild animal in Africa and Asia.───豺狼是产于亚非的一种野生动物.

You may take them to the Wild Animal Park in the suburbs.───还可以带他们去在郊区的野生动物园.


A wild animal will sometimes freeze in its tracks when it smells an enemy.

Suddenly the wild animal charged at us.

I've never seen a finer wild animal.

He jabbed a spear into the wild animal.

A rare albino alligator arrived at the Wild Animal Park yesterday and immediately went into hiding.