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时间:2022-10-14 20:04:18 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2725字






I hope you are not going to scratch me.───我希望你不会把我的名字从比赛中划去.

It's completely ruined, so we'll have to start from scratch.───它完全毁了, 我们只好从头做起.

A beard doesn't scratch, it just tickles.───下巴上的胡子不刮人,就是叫人痒痒。

Don't be a baby and cry over that little scratch.───别那么孩子气,擦破点皮就哭个不停.

One can hardly believe that this paper mill was started from scratch only a few years ago.───很难相信这个造纸厂仅仅是在几年前白手起家办起来的.

His dog just gives a scratch at the door when it wants to come in.───他的狗想进来时就用爪子抓门.

It's only a scratch.───只是擦破了点油皮儿.

We had only two weeks to tour Malaysia, which was hardly enough time to scratch the surface.───我们只有两周的时间游览马来西亚,连走马观花都来不及。


The suggestion is that they should start from scratch.

Try not to scratch.

Scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.

Scratch a Russsian, and you('ll) find a Tartar.

We had to scratch two players from the team because of damaged knee joints.