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时间:2022-10-14 20:05:34 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2526字


Purple ginger


紫───purple;油姜───Dioscorea zingiberensis


Beckham wore a fetching outfit in purple and green.───贝克汉姆穿了一件抢眼的紫绿两色套装。

I was wearing a purple jumpsuit, high heeled shoes, and lots of makeup.───我穿着紫色连衫裤和高跟鞋,脸上抹着厚厚的化妆品。

She was dressed in purple.───她穿一身紫色衣裳。

His face was purple with rage.───他气得脸色发紫。

His boots and purple beret identify him as commanding the Scottish Paratroops.───他的长靴和紫色贝雷帽表明他统领着苏格兰伞兵部队。

The priest wore a purple vestment to conduct the funeral services.───牧师穿上紫色法衣主持葬礼仪式.

He has a taste for purple prose.───他喜欢风格华丽的散文.


His face turned an unnatural shade of purple.

They crossed a field stippled with purple weeds.

Its large leaves often show a delicate purple tint.

The King was clothed in a purple gown.

How beautiful the purple flower is!