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时间:2022-10-15 00:05:50 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3158字






This thesis is a component of Wujin Jinxin glass incision system, which has being used so far, and enterprise achieve good economic benefit.───本课题是开发武进市吉鑫玻璃切割系统项目中的一个组成部分,目前,这套系统正处于应用之中,并取得了良好的经济效益。

breach event of Jinxin Milk Product Trust exposed the basic feature of Chinese trust business, which violates the essentials of trust.───乳品信托的违约事件暴露出了当前中国信托业总体违背信托本质的基本特征。

great honor for us to cooperate with Jinxin for the first time.───与金鑫公司的首次合作,我公司深表荣幸!

The similarity between teaching style of Jinxin and that of Zhangfan lies in the fact that they both teach in a humorous way.───金鑫的教学风格和张帆的教学风格的相同之处在于他们都教得很幽默。

Welcome all friends to visit the guidance tool factory jinxin wenling and business negotiations.───欢迎各界朋友莅临温岭市金鑫工具厂参观、指导和业务洽谈。

Jinxin students, Jinxin peacetime study also very planned and perseverance, the study subjects are arranged in perfect order.───金鑫的同学说,金鑫平时学习也极有计划性和毅力,把各科学习都安排得井井有条。


JinXin E - print , publish the past , photocopy this moment , color print your future.

Jinxin students, Jinxin peacetime study also very planned and perseverance, the study subjects are arranged inorder.

Please confirm the brand of Jinxin when you select out products, and avoid of adulterated goods.