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时间:2022-10-15 04:00:26 作者:星火作文 字数:3026字


We will be champions




He has been seen as a champion of a more cautious approach to economic reform.───人们一直将他视为主张更为谨慎的经济改革措施的提倡者。

Any amateur would be skinned alive competing against the world champion.───一个业余爱好者向世界冠军挑战肯定要被彻底打败.

He is a quitter who is temperamentally unsuited to remaining a champion.───他是个遇难而退的人,照他的性格,不可能长期保住冠军的称号。

His powerful serve was too much for the defending champion.───他的大力发球让卫冕冠军难以招架。

Hail to the new champion Bengali D'Albret.───向新科冠军本·贾利·达阿尔布雷致敬。

Although favorite to win the race, the champion jockey had an off day and was unplaced.───虽然那位第一流的职业骑手最有希望赢得比赛的胜利, 但他的身体感到不舒服,结果未得名次.

Everywhere he went he was introduced as the current United States Open Champion.───他所到之处人们都介绍他是本届美国公开赛的冠军。

The competition has been thrown wide open by the absence of the world champion.───由于世界冠军缺阵,这场比赛变得胜负难定。


Don't ever underestimate the heart of a champion.

He defeated the champion in three sets.

He is the boxing champion of the world.

The champion was unexpectedly knocked out in the first round.

Mike Tyson was heavyweight champion of the world.