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时间:2022-10-15 04:02:18 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2911字


Ox head


牛头───Ox head


Autumn – The ox head replaced by a star on the bonnet.───秋季-发动机罩上的牛头标志被三叉星标志代替。

Ox head is made by bamboo slips and paper, and its body by home-made blue cloth.───牛头是由竹条和纸做成的,牛的身体则是由自制的蓝色布料制成的。

ox head was used to hang towels, while the tiger and horse heads were used as garden decorations beside a pool.───牛首在这位商人家中被用于挂毛巾,马首和虎首被用作花园池塘边的装饰品。

I was shocked to discover that the letter "A" had developed over the millenia from an Egyptian hieroglyph (picture symbol) for an ox head.───我惊讶的发现到,“A”这个字母是从古埃及代表牛头的象形文字(图符号),经过几千年发展而成的。

this paper is analyzed through the black ox head "cow" marketing strategy, identify the.───本文就是通过分析蒙牛这头“黑牛”的营销策略,找出过人之处。

The ox head was used to hang towels, while the tiger and horse heads were used as garden decorations beside a pool.───当时牛首在这位商人家中被用于挂毛巾,马首和虎首被用作花园池塘边的装饰品。


I was shocked to discover that the letter "A" had developed over the millenia from an Egyptian hieroglyph (picture symbol) for an ox head.