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时间:2022-10-15 04:05:20 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2246字


Pick it out


挑───pick;出来───come out


I had leaned over to pick up some change, and the next thing I knew I felt this terrible pain in my ankle.───我俯身去拿那些零钱,接下来就突然感到脚踝剧痛。

There is no need to pick at him all day long. He's a child after all.───不要老是对他唠唠叨叨, 他毕竟还是个孩子嘛!

Come by to pick me up at your convenience.───在你方便的时候来接我.

I'll pick you up at five.───我五点钟来接你。

As the dress fits badly, I shall pick it to pieces and remake it.───这件衣服不合身, 我要把它拆了,重新做.

He breaks up strong ground with a pick.───他用镐刨开坚硬的地面.

'Pick a card,'said the conjurer.───“ 选一张牌, ” 魔术师说.

Don't pick me up on words.───不要挑我的措词。
