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时间:2022-10-15 08:00:16 作者:星火作文 字数:2581字


of indomitable spirit


通天达地───of indomitable spirit


He is a man of indomitable spirit.───他是一名具有不屈不挠精神的人。

expression of indomitable spirit of the Chinese people.───表达华夏儿女的坚韧不拔的精神。

I want to learn the kind of indomitable spirit.───我要向他们学习那种顽强的精神。

Whenever the wind masterpiece, it is always the kind of indomitable spirit of its own against the wind abhorrent.───每当狂风大作时,它总是以自己那种顽强的精神反抗着可恶的狂风。

Only go thought the difficulty that will you live a real life, and become a man of indomitable spirit.───而从这困难中走过来,你才算真正活过,才算真正长大,最终,才算一个顶天立地的人。

Unknown true, good man of indomitable spirit, the volume measured in decades-day, a home for the Chinese!───默默无闻真性情,顶天立地好男儿,量天测地数十载,为了中华一个家!


Alice was a woman of indomitable spirit.

Alice Fernie was a woman of indomitable spirit.