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时间:2022-10-15 08:03:05 作者:趣历史 字数:3265字






It was very popular that conjunctions were used in serial verb constructions in Ancient Chinese.───上古汉语连词用于连动式是十分常见的现象.

Personal pronouns, link verbs, conjunctions and prepositions are usually not stressed.───人称代词 、 联系动词 、 连接词和介词通常不重读.

" And " , " but " and " whereas " are conjunctions.───and, but 和whereas是连词.

The explosive images and conjunctions, often contradictory, are reductive and then romantic.───这些爆发性的意象和结合常常相互矛盾, 支离破碎而又富于浪漫色彩.

Words like'and ','but ','because'are conjunctions.───象 ‘ and ’, ‘but ’, ‘ because’这样一类词是连接词.

What are the main conjunctions for noun clauses?───名词性从句主要的连词是哪些?

Are there any other conjunctions that can introduce noun clauses?───还有哪些连词可以引导名词性从句?

The next two conjunctions will occur July 10 and December 21, then not again until 2022.───下次两星相合将会在7月10日和12月21日发生,之后将不再相遇, 直到2022年.


Results 363 lateral films of thoracolumbar vertebra conjunctions and sacrococcygeal vertebrae were collected from 363 patients.

Too many of the conjunctions and alignments here are so awful that one hopes they are very temporary indeed.

Prepositions and conjunctions are particles.

Languages vary tremendously in the type of conjunctions they prefer to use as well as the frequency with which they use such items.

In science and journalism, by contrast, conjunctions in general and causal conjunctions in particular are relatively infrequent.