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时间:2022-10-15 12:04:01 作者:星火作文 字数:2667字


Clothes and shoes


衣衫革履───Clothes and shoes


They made clothes and shoes from furs and from skins of seals.───他们用兽毛和海豹皮做衣服和鞋子.

He bought himself new clothes and shoes, wear very handsome.───他为自己买了新的衣服和鞋子, 穿起来很帅气.

Put the kids in comfortable clothes and shoes.───孩子们穿上舒适的衣服和鞋子。

Wear loose - fitting, comfortable clothes and shoes.───穿着宽松 、 舒适的衣服和鞋.

Or how about my clothes and shoes?───或者我的衣服和鞋子?

They have the same hairstyles their favorable stars and wear top brand of clothes and shoes.───他们模仿当前最红明星的发型,穿顶级品牌的衣服和鞋子.

I can wash my clothes and shoes.───我可以自己洗衣服和鞋子。


Cheap clothes and shoes were heaped on tables.

He assessed everything about her, from her clothes and shoes to her luggage and hairstyle.

During the war, things like clothes and shoes were scarce.

Thrift shops are great for gowns, formalwear, baby clothes, and shoes.

He wore shabby clothes and shoes and a black silk scarf, always, outdoors and in.